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Public Works

Richard F. Rogers, Jr., Director ; E-Mail Mr. Rogers
Sue Richardson, Administrative Assistant ; E-Mail Sue Richardson
Jody Tripp, Working Foreman

Office: 401-625-6760 Fax: 401-625-6783

Location: 50 Industrial Way, Tiverton, RI 02878

PLEASE NOTE: Office hours are 7:00AM to 3:30PM. (Closed for lunch between 12:30 - 1:00 daily)


DPW is now accepting waste oil. (3/3/2025)

The Department of Public Works provides services to the community in the following areas:

  • Snow plowing, sanding, and sweeping
  • Street lighting
  • Street, Sidewalk, and Bridge maintenance - Paving Schedule for 2023-2025
  • Stormwater drainage/Water courses
  • Tree trimming
  • Roadside grass mowing
  • Solid waste collection/disposal and landfill operations
  • Recycling
  • Street opening permits
  • Maintenance, repair, and operation of all public buildings/properties

Tiverton Department of Public Works is seeking contractors for snow plowing/sanding who have their own equipment for the 2023-2024 Winter Season. We are seeking multiple plows for various routes. We will call in Plows and/or Sanders EVERY time that the roads require plowing and/or sanding.

DPW will match RIDOT rates and will also have an early sign-up bonus. (Note: It is possible that the minimum insurance requirements may be covered by a less expensive Umbrella Policy.) We are also seeking drivers for DPW owned plow trucks.

Please contact Tiverton DPW at 401-625-6760 or by email at dpwclerk@tiverton.ri.gov
for an application/contract and for additional information.


  • Town accepted roads as of 2/11/2025 - LIST


  • During the winter months, please park all vehicles well off the paved road surface to allow the plows room to push the snow off the road and to limit damage to vehicles from the materials being spread.
  • Listen to your local television and radio stations for declared winter emergencies and parking bans when on street parking is prohibited and enforced through towing.
  • Marking the edge of your lawn with reflectors or 3-ft wooden stakes is helpful to the plow drivers in identifying the edge of the road and limits plow damage to lawns.
  • The DPW is not responsible for damages caused to items placed within the Town owned right-of-way by residents i.e. landscaping, fences, timbers, etc.
  • The DPW does not plow private driveways or the ends of driveways.
  • Residents may pick up small amounts (5-gal pail) of sand and salt mix (for residential use only) from the DPW Monday - Friday between 7 AM and 3:30 PM. Please stop at the office first.
  • Interested in plowing? Contact the DPW for contract documents.
  • Landfill will be closed if plowing operations are in effect.


  • Street sweeping usually begins mid Spring depending on weather.
  • Street sweeping begins in the north end of Town and proceeds towards the south until the entire Town accepted street system is completed.
  • When you see that the sweeper is in your neighborhood, please do not park on or near the paved road surface.
  • If you have a sidewalk abutting your property, please sweep it off into the street before the street is swept.
  • If you sweep the street in front of your property before the DPW sweeper arrives, you may bring the material to the DPW or the Landfill for disposal.


  • Catch basin cleaning is performed annually and begins after the street sweeping is completed.
  • It is normal for catch basins to hold water below the pipes throughout the year.
  • There are more that 1,300 catch basins located throughout the Town. It is impossible for DPW personnel to check all of these structures during a storm. Please help us in keeping the tops of catch basins clean so that they catch water.
  • Remember, Town Ordinance Sec. 70-4 prohibits the discharge of water onto the traveled surface of a town road.
  • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AND CONDITIONS FOR CONNECTION INTO TOWN STORM DRAIN SYSTEM may be accessed through this link. Residents may be allowed to connect clean water discharges into the Town drainage system as generally outlined in the document. Private lines are not allowed in the public right of way. Contact the DPW for details.
  • Do not dump any waste oil, paints, animal excrement, septic system liquid, laundry water or other pollutants into the Town drainage system. These pollute the receiving waters of the Town and State.
  • Contact the DPW should you smell foul odors coming from a catch basin.
  • For additional information regarding stormwater management consult the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management website: RI DEM or the United States Environmental Protection Agency website: www.epa.gov.
  • Information regarding MS4 (Stormwater Discharge from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems)
  • Town of Tiverton's 2017 Annual Report
  • Town of Tiverton's 2018 Annual Report
  • Town of Tiverton's 2019 Annual Report


  • In accordance with Town of Tiverton Code of Ordinances Section 70-3(a), "Only drain layers licensed by the Town of Tiverton shall be allow to dig into or otherwise break the surface of any public street or way in the Town. PETITION FOR STREET EXCAVATORS LICENSE may be accessed through this link. This completed document along with the required supporting documents and fee must be submitted to the Town Clerk for processing.
  • In accordance with Town of Tiverton Code of Ordinances Section 70-3(a), "Prior to proceeding to such operation, the drain layer shall first obtain from the Town Clerk a permit...STREET OPENING APPLICATION AND PERMIT may be accessed through this link. This completed document along with the required supporting documents and fee must be submitted to the DPW for approval. After DPW approval, the document will be forwarded to the Town Clerk for approval.


  • Call the DPW if a tree falls and blocks a public street.
  • For safety reasons the DPW cannot cut or trim any tree when there is interference with utility wires. This work must be conducted by the appropriate utility. Please contact either National Grid Electric at 1-800-322-3223 or Verizon at 1-800-446-8946.
  • Tree trimming and tree removal is generally coordinated with the Tree Warden.
  • The DPW does not trim or remove trees that are located on private property.
  • For information on tree plantings through the Neighborhood Tree Project contact Peter Moniz, Tiverton Tree Commission chairperson at 401-625-5328.


  • Roadside mowing is performed between May and October.