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Recreation and Beaches

Recreation Committee

Stu Gilfillen, Chairperson - Term Expires 4/15/2022 E-MAIL Stu


The NEW Tiverton Recreation Website can be found HERE. Information on Beaches, Field Use, Fees, etc. and be found on the new site.

Vote for the 2025 beach parking pass design at https://www.tivertonrecreation.org/parkingpasscontest. Voting is open from March 13th until March 31st at 8:00 PM.

Open Space Areas

Fogland Marsh
A link to the Fogland Marsh from The Nature Conservancy:http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/

Ft. Barton Revolutionary War Redoubt and Woods

Entrance on Highland Road (across from Town Hall), Tiverton, RI
Primary uses: Experience the original earthern mounds of the Revolutionary War redoubt and view the Sakonnet River area from observation tower. Hike/walk on marked trails in the 82-acre Ft. Barton Woods.
Regulations: Dogs must be leashed or under positive control. No motorized vehicles. No bikes.
Open: Sunrise to sunset.
Parking: Yes.
Parking fee: No.
Services: None.

Download Ft. Barton Woods Trail map and directions

Download Ft. Barton Woods Cultural History and Natural Communities

During the American Revolution these "Tiverton highlands" represented an important strategic location for preventing an invasion of the mainland across the narrow Sakonnet River strait by British Forces who occupied Aquidneck Island. This historic landmark is at the crest of hill near the entrance. An outlook tower now stands among the original Revolutionary War earthen mounds allowing for an expansive view of the Sakonnet River and beyond.

The Fort Barton Woods natural area is a mature, mixed hardwood forest, with some trees exceeding 100 years of age. Given the variety of conditions -- exposed bedrock, streams, slopes, and upland soil -- there is a diverse assemblage of woodland herbaceous plants and shrubs throughout Fort Barton Woods. Trails in the natural areas include rustic foot bridges, sloped inclines and rocky paths that require stamina and sure footing for safe passage.

Seapowet Marsh and Point Fishing Area

Seapowet Ave, South Tiverton
Primary use: Conservation area or wildlife refuge
Other uses: Historic interest, fishing, hiking/walking
Services: Boat ramp
Parking: Yes

Located off Seapowet Avenue, this refuge area includes a variety of coastal habitats.There is a parking area along a cobble beach north of the bridge over the Seapowet Riverand walking or driving access to Seapowet Point. There is a marsh on the point, popular for shellfishing. The beach is a good spot for walking, fishing, bird watching, or enjoying the view of the river. There is also a small gravel boat launch ramp south of the bridge that provides access to an extensive salt marsh and tidal creek area.

Weetamoo Woods

Entrances on East Road, Lake Road and Lafayette Road, Tiverton, RI
Primary use: Hiking/walking on marked trails.
Other uses: Horseback riding on marked trails. Dogs must be leashed or under positive control. No motorized vehicles.
Open: Sunrise to sunset.
Parking: Yes.
Parking fee: No.
Services: None.

Download Weetamoo Woods Natural Communities

Download Weetamoo Woods Trail Map and directions

Weetamoo Woods is over 750 acres of varied habitats, including rare coastal oak-holly forest and an Atlantic white cedar swamp. There are 5+ miles of walking trails. Part of the original Pocasset Purchase roadway (ca. 1685) is still visible, along with cellar holes and the remains of a village sawmill. Grasslands research is being conducted on a 12-acre parcel within the woods. Weetamoo was the last sachem of the Pocasset Tribe of Wampanoag Indians. She supported the Great Sachem, Metacom (King Philip), in the King Philip's War and died in that conflict.

Tiverton has 3 of these Top 10 Rhode Island hikes.


Bike ROUTE through Portsmouth and Tiverton that crosses the new Sakonnet River Bridge.





Tiverton Youth Soccer 

Sarah Marion  samarion@cox.net  569-4393
Bob Levesque  rmlevesque@cox.net  465-3095

Tiverton Little League - Baseball & Softball
Mike DeCotisl, President
Phone: 401-418-1935
FaceBook LINK

Tiverton Little League Softball

Bristol Lady Bulldogs
Shannon Silva

NEAUU/Sakonnet Tigers
Travis Greene  tsgreene56@hotmail.com  451-3915

Tiverton Men's Softball League
Ken Dias  fhcoach1@cox.net  418-0319
Ted Fitzpatrick

Tiverton Whiffleball League


Alan Doucet  alanjdoucet@gmail.com
Josh Mello

Rhode Island Women's Soccer League
Steph Nocon

SURGE Volleyball Club

Stacie MacDonald, Director  
Email: s.macdonald1@verizon.net
Phone: 401.835.700

Tiverton Junior Basketball
Joe Perry-President


Tiverton Little League Tournaments
Tom Perella tperella@juno.com

Tiverton Youth Soccer Festivals
John Cordeiro  jtcordeiro@aol.com
Rochelle Deschenes



No special events at this time.