Open Government

Access to Public Records:
- A request can be made in person during normal business hours, or by telephone (401-625-6703), letter, fax (401-625-6705) or email to the Town Clerk's office. You can also submit your request using this Request for Public Records form.
- The Access to Public Records Act allows ten (10) business days within which to respond to a public records request. This time period can be extended to twenty (20) business days if the voluminous nature of the request, the number of request for records pending, or the difficulty in searching for and retrieving or copying the requested records is such that additional time is necessary.
- Any denial of the right to inspect or copy records, in whole or in part, will be made to you in writing, and will include the reason(s) for the denial and the procedures for appealing the denial.
- The cost per copied page is fifteen cents ($0.15). The hourly cost for a search and/or retrieval is fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour. There is no charge for the first hour of a search and/or retrieval.
- The Tiverton Town Clerk's office is the designated public records unit for the Town of Tiverton and all APRA requests must be made through this office.
Open Records Public Laws
Open Meetings Public Laws