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Semiquincentennial Commission



  WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Tiverton is resolved to support the efforts of the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission and to establish The Tiverton Semiquincentennial Commission; and   WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 407(6), of the Town of Tiverton’s Home Rule Charter, the Town Council has the authority to create committees not established by the Charter; and

  WHEREAS, the Rhode Island General Assembly adopted a Resolution, which Governor Daniel McKee signed on June 14, 2021, creating the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission, to plan, encourage, develop, coordinate, and promote observances and activities to be held in Rhode Island in commemoration of the historic events associated with the 250th anniversary of the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, Rhode Island’s leading role in the birth of the United States of America, and the creation of the political foundations of the United States of America; and

  WHEREAS, the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission hopes to engage all municipalities through its many programs, projects, and events over the next several years, thereby inspiring future leaders and celebrating Rhode Island’s contributions to the nation over the last 250 years; and

  WHEREAS, by adoption of the Tiverton Semiquincentennial Commission, the Town Council of the Town of Tiverton hopes to inspire all Rhode Islanders, and in particular the residents of Tiverton, to learn from the historic, social, legal, cultural, and political forces that caused the American Revolution and influenced its course and outcomes, and to build a strong community for the future.

  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council as follows:

  1.      The Town of Tiverton supports all of the efforts of the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission.

  2.      The Town of Tiverton officially establishes the Tiverton Semiquincentennial Commission (“Tiverton 250th Commission”) as an advisory committee, and for two purposes:

  a.       To work with the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission in its efforts to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, and

  b.      To undertake appropriate efforts to plan and implement celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, Rhode Island’s leading role in the birth of the United States of America, and the creation of the political foundations of the United States of America, and highlighting the role of Tiverton and its citizens.

  3.      The Tiverton 250th Commission shall be composed of the following as appointed by the Town Council:

  a.       One (1) member of the Tiverton Town Council;

  b.      One (1) member of the Tiverton Historic Preservation Commission;

  c.       One (1) member of the Tiverton Open Space Commission;

  d.      One (1)  member of the Tiverton Recreation Commission;

  e.       One (1) member of the Tiverton School Department;

  f.        One (1) member of the Tiverton Library Board of Trustees;

  g.      Three (3) electors of the Town of Tiverton with preference given to those with a demonstrated interest in American history.

  4.      The Tiverton 250th Commission additionally has the following duties and responsibilities:

  a.       That at the first meeting of the Tiverton 250th Commission, following the oath of office, the members shall elect by a majority vote a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside over each meeting of the Commission and shall have the duties and responsibilities typically conferred upon a committee chairperson and in his or her absence the Vice Chairperson shall so preside.

  b.      Five (5) voting members must be present to constitute a quorum.

  c.       Consistent with Article X, Section 1011, of the Tiverton Home Rule Charter, non-resident members of the Committee shall be ex-officio non-voting members of this advisory committee on all matters except the approval of the committee’s minutes and the selection of meeting dates, places, and times.

  d.      If an appointee is an elector of the Town, and a full voting member, then so shall the appointee’s designee be a full voting member of the committee.

  e.       The Tiverton 250th Commission shall comply with all requirements of the Rhode Island Open Meetings Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-1, et. seq.  

  f.        The Commission shall prepare within six (6) months of its creation, a report with its recommendations for approval and adoption by the Tiverton Town Council of ways that the Town of Tiverton can assist the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission and how the Town of Tiverton can implement celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, Rhode Island’s leading role in the birth of the United States of America, and the creation of the political foundations of the United States of America, and highlighting the role of Tiverton and its citizens.

  g.      Unless extended by the Town Council, the existence of the Tiverton 250th Commission shall sunset no later than December 31, 2026.

  5.      The Town Council shall carefully consider the recommendation of the Commission and hold a public hearing in compliance with all requirements of the Rhode Island Open Meetings Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-1, et. seq., to consider which, if any, of the Commission’s recommendations will be accepted and implemented.

  6.      Upon request to the Tiverton Town Council, the Town of Tiverton may provide funding for the Commission and for planning and implementation of 250th related commemorations.

  7.      The Town Council further urges all its residents to reflect upon the significance of these events and the role that our State, and Town, and its diverse people have played in the history and development of our Nation and to participate in this important commemoration, endeavoring to include the stories of all those whose lives are part of the history of what we now know as Rhode Island, and Tiverton.

  8.      Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial Commission.

9.      This Resolution shall take effect upon passage.